Suspend (i, ii, iii)




digital prints on transparency film and translucent paper, wood, screws

digital print on transparency film and translucent paper, Arduino motors

the images included here are from Choose Your Player: BFA Exit, a group exhibition at Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. April 2019

This work was created out of experiments in rudimentary holograms or optical illusions. The pieces invoke an in-between space within doubled images by utilizing suspended and transparent photographic prints. A transient moment comes to be by way of its installation as the doubled images morph and animate themselves when the viewer walks past.

In making this work I was examining Jean Baudrillard’s essay, “Simulacra and Science Fiction” in which he states, “[Phillip K.] Dick speaks specifically of simulacra—science fiction has always done so, but it played on the double, on doubling or redoubling, either artificial or imaginary, whereas here the double has disappeared, there is no longer a double, one is always already in the other world, which is no longer an other, without a mirror, a projection, or a utopia that can reflect it...”.


Sink, Swim, Swarm, 2019


Fainting Couch, 2018